Yes. During the study, continue to take the treatment prescribed by your regular doctor. One of the aims of this study is to find out whether the study drug works alongside your current treatment for AD.

If you miss a dose of either the study drug or your regular treatment, make a note in your diary and tell the study doctor at your next visit.

There are several medications that may be harmful to you if taken alongside the study drug. Consult your study doctor before starting any new medications or making changes to your regular treatment.

Avoid light therapy while on the study. Please also abstain from using tanning beds and booths.

Being part of a clinical study requires commitment. You are expected to attend the clinic several times over the course of the study. These visits may coincide with work and family activities, so plan ahead. Contact the study team if you need help getting to the clinic.

Please bring your completed diary at each visit to the clinic. Also remember to bring any unused study drugs and packaging.

If you are unable to attend the clinic, contact the study team as soon as possible to reschedule. It is important to attend each scheduled visit, so that the study team can accurately assess your health and determine how your body is responding to the study drug.

You are free to withdraw from the study at any time and for any reason. If you withdraw, there will be no penalty or loss of benefits regarding your future health care. If you leave the study early or the study doctor decides that continuing is not in your best interests, you will be asked to attend an Early withdrawal visit.

If you experience side effects or any discomfort, contact the study team immediately. Study treatment will be stopped if you or the study doctor have any concerns. If you are experiencing a severe reaction to the study drug, visit your nearest emergency department.